Are You in the Dark About Your AI?

Here’s Why That’s a Problem

Getting to where you can intelligently, but succinctly, articulate what your AI is doing is crucial as we get more into AI. Here is what I mean by explainable AI.

An Example of Explaining how chatGPT works, elevator pitch style.

ChatGPT is AI’s version of a well-read conversationalist. Using the ‘transformer’ architecture, it’s trained on vast texts, learning language and context. When you chat with it, imagine it flipping through billions of virtual pages it’s studied, selecting the most relevant response for you. It’s not just generating replies; it’s recalling and synthesizing from its extensive ‘reading’.

In the domain of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), the call for transparency and interpretability is louder than ever. As AI systems become increasingly integrated into critical decision-making processes, the need for what is known as “Explainable AI” rises commensurately. In this article, I delve into the nuances of Explainable AI, its critical importance in diverse applications, and case studies to substantiate its value.

Textbook Definition

Explainable AI refers to methods and techniques employed in the domain of Artificial Intelligence that offer insights into the internal mechanisms or computations of a model. The objective is to make the decision-making process understandable to stakeholders or domain experts who interact with the model. Explainability aims to render the model transparent, such that its decisions can be trusted, audited, or even legally scrutinized.


The increasing ubiquity of AI algorithms in sectors such as healthcare, finance, and judiciary systems necessitates the interpretability of these algorithms. Without it, there’s the potential for non-transparent decision-making, which could lead to unfair or discriminatory actions. Moreover, regulatory bodies have started to put emphasis on the importance of AI systems being understandable and transparent, further elevating the relevance of Explainable AI.

Examples of Explainability

  • Healthcare: Identifying Diseases through Medical Imaging

    Consider an AI model designed to identify diseases through X-rays or MRI scans. While a high accuracy rate in diagnosis is desirable, clinicians also require an understanding of how the model arrived at its conclusions. For instance, did it focus on inflamed tissues or perhaps the presence of a particular set of cells? Explainable AI in this context might provide visual heatmaps highlighting areas in the images that were pivotal in the decision-making process, thus offering clinicians a more comprehensive understanding and a means to validate the AI’s decisions.

  • Financial Sector: Credit Scoring

    In the financial sector, especially in loan approval and credit scoring, Explainable AI can bring remarkable transparency. Traditionally, credit scoring models have been criticized for their opaqueness. An AI model could provide a detailed breakdown of its decision metrics, like payment history, credit utilization, and age of credit accounts, offering applicants a chance to understand and improve their credit behavior.

  • Criminal Justice: Risk Assessment Algorithms

    In the legal landscape, risk assessment algorithms are employed to forecast an individualโ€™s likelihood of reoffending. However, these algorithms have often been accused of bias. Explainable AI can offer insights into the variables that significantly influenced these predictions. By providing transparency, it ensures that no demographic is unfairly or disproportionately targeted.

Challenges and Roadblocks to Explainability

Despite its considerable promise, Explainable AI is not devoid of challenges:

  • Trade-off between Accuracy and Explainability:ย Highly interpretable models like linear regression lack the predictive power of complex algorithms such as neural networks. This poses a challenge in optimizing both explainability and accuracy.
  • Domain-Specific Requirements: What counts as “explainable” can vary significantly across different fields. While a heatmap may suffice in healthcare, it may not be useful in the financial sector.
  • Computational Overheads:ย Computing explainability metrics in real-time could be resource-intensive, impacting the performance of time-sensitive applications.

Best Practices of Explainability

  • Incorporate Domain Experts: Include experts from the specific field to determine what level of explainability is required and how best to achieve it.

  • Model Selection: Choose inherently explainable models when possible, especially in critical decision-making scenarios where transparency is crucial.

  • Post-hoc Analysis: For complex, non-linear models, use explainability techniques that approximate the decision boundaries of the model in a more interpretable form.

  • Data Preprocessing Transparency: Provide explicit documentation and understanding of how the input data is collected, cleaned, and processed before feeding it into the model. This aids in unraveling any initial biases and provides a solid foundation for explainability.

  • Feature Importance Ranking: Utilize techniques to rank the features in terms of their influence on model output. This can offer immediate insights into what the model considers critical in decision-making.

  • User-Centric Design: Explainability isn’t solely a technical issue; it’s also a user experience issue. Tailor the explanations to the specific audience, be it machine learning experts, domain experts, or laypersons, to ensure that the information is understandable and actionable.

  • Auditable Trails: Maintain a transparent and auditable trail of the model’s development and decision-making processes. These logs can serve as a critical asset during any retrospective assessments or legal audits.

  • Sensitivity Analysis: Conduct sensitivity tests to assess how changes in input variables affect the model’s outcome. This practice not only helps in understanding the model’s stability but also provides insights into the relationships between variables.

  • Regular Updates and Reviews:ย AI models are not static; they evolve over time as they ingest new data. Periodically reviewing the explanations to ensure they remain accurate and relevant is essential for sustained trust.

  • Human-in-the-Loop: Always keep a human in the decision-making loop, especially in high-stakes scenarios like healthcare and judicial systems. The role of Explainable AI here is to augment human decision-making, providing a safety net of interpretability and verifiability.

  • Community and Stakeholder Engagement: Involve external stakeholders, such as customers, regulators, or independent bodies, to review and validate the explainability approaches. This collaborative scrutiny can offer different perspectives, filling in any blind spots.

  • Ethical Guidelines and Governance: Last but not least, develop a governance framework around the usage and interpretation of Explainable AI. This framework should align with ethical guidelines to ensure that the technology is being used responsibly.

The trajectory of AI’s integration into society makes the concept of Explainable AI not just intriguing but indispensable. As we collectively aim for advancements in AI that are both robust and socially responsible, Explainable AI stands as a critical pillar in achieving this vision. With ongoing research and broader awareness, we can anticipate more transparent, accountable, and ultimately trustworthy AI systems in the future.

About the Author: Aaron Francesconi, MBA, PMP

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Aaron Francesconi is a transformational IT leader with over 20 years of expertise in complex, service-oriented government agencies. Aaron is a retired former executive for the IRS, Aaron occasionally writes articles for when he can . Author of "Who Are You Online? Why It Matters and What You Can Do About It," and "Foundations of DevOps" courseware, his insights offer a blend of practical wisdom and thought leadership in the IT realm.

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