Finding a Unicorn in a Land Where Unicorns Don’t Exist – Yet.

Talent Acquisition for AI / ML is difficult.  Sure a company can hire specific skills such as Python or experience developing AI/ML models. But what is a company to do when what they re looking for is pie in the sky requiring skills that put plainly, just aren’t there.

Take for example the case of a companies looking to take two cutting edge technologies: cryptocurrency and AI, to create a virtual gold-generating, alchemy machine.

Cryptocurrency trading is ripe for automation and AI because of the lack of effective ways of establishing a value of any particular crypto, the volatility of the market, the impact of news and customer sentiment on the value, and always trading (24×7) aspects of the market.

As the financial world evolves at a breakneck pace, cryptocurrency has emerged as a new frontier of investment and trading. Leading companies are at the vanguard of this change, announcing an ambitious new projects that seek to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to revolutionize cryptocurrency trading.

The incorporation of AI/ML in trading is not merely an enhancement of existing methodologies but a complete overhaul of the trading ecosystem. With the volatility and complexity of cryptocurrency markets, traditional analysis methods are often inadequate. AI-driven trading promises a solution to these issues, offering higher accuracy, real-time processing, and the potential to uncover opportunities that would otherwise go unnoticed.  Recently I was reviewing job announcements for AI experts in trading – specifically cryptocurrency trading.  The requirements for these positions are staggering and almost impossible to fill.

These projects are usually dual-faceted. One aspect involves the creation of a trading bots, capable of engaging with the market autonomously. The AI at the core of these bots will analyze market trends, predict price movements, and execute trades with precision and speed far beyond human capabilities.

Simultaneously, the projects also aim to empower human researchers with AI-based tools to delve deeper into market analysis. These tools will process vast amounts of market data to identify underlying patterns and provide a detailed analysis that would be impossible for a human to replicate within a reasonable timeframe.

Finding an AI/ML experts with a firm grasp on trading principles marks a significant step in strategic investment in technology.  This however is no significant task, individuals who will work in this field  will be instrumental in developing an advanced systems that incorporates fully-automated trading bots alongside AI tools that provide valuable research and analysis insights.

Companies looking to enter this space will require candidates who are not just technically proficient but also possesses an intrinsic understanding of both the technology and the trading landscape, especially within the realm of cryptocurrency. The candidates will be pioneering new strategies, making the role as exciting as it is challenging. It’s a venture that requires a mix of innovation, deep technical knowledge, and a careful, risk-aware approach.

These companies are not just looking for employees; they are looking for a visionaries. As trading algorithms and AI become ever more sophisticated, the chosen experts will be at the leading edge of this transformation. Their work will not only contribute to the company’s success but also pave the way for the future of trading.

As you hopefully can see, it going to be difficult to find the talent that checks all the boxes.  The AI/ML technology is so new and then coupling that with specific domain level knowledge likely will not exist yet.    While, the landscape is evolving, it would be more prudent to focus on compartmentalization of projects like these and leveraging expertise where expertise is readily available and stop trying to find unicorns.

About the Author: Jenny Brown

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Jenny Brown is an accomplished reporter at TrustMy.AI, where she specializes in FinTech and Futurism. With her rich background in finance, she offers in-depth analysis and insights into emerging trends like blockchain, digital banking, and AI in finance. Jenny is establishing herself as an influential journalist and an educator in the rapidly evolving digital finance landscape.

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